Decades of application expertise and technology development at both Infineon and International Rectifier have produced a portfolio of gate driver ICs for use with silicon and wide-bandgap power devices, such as MOSFETs, discrete IGBTs, IGBT modules, SiC MOSFETs and GaN HEMTs. Infineon EiceDRIVER™ gate driver IC Overview Gate driver ICs serve as the interface between control signals (digital or analog controllers) and power switches (IGBTs, MOSFETs, SiC MOSFETs, and GaN HEMTs). The integrated gate-driver solutions reduce your design complexity,Author: Infineon. · Gate Driver A MOSFET driver IC translates TTL or CMOS logical signals, to a higher voltage and higher current, with the goal of rapidly and completely switching the gate of a MOSFET. An output pin of a microcontroller is usually adequate to drive a small-signal logic level MOSFET. However driving larger MOSFETs is a different story.
Digital power control drivers powertrain modules (8) Digital power isolated controllers (19) Gallium nitride (GaN) ICs (13) Gate drivers () Half-bridge drivers (64) Isolated gate drivers (54) Low-side drivers () LCD OLED display power drivers (80) LED drivers () Automotive LED drivers (87) Backlight LED drivers (). IXYS Integrated Circuits offers an extensive portfolio of low side MOSFET and IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) gate driver ICs. These drivers feature output current ratings from A to 30A, voltage ratings up to 40V, and are available in DIP, SOIC, DFN, TO, and TO packages. General Purpose Gate Driver ICs. International Rectifier's MOSFET gate and IGBT gate driver ICs are the simplest, smallest and lowest cost solution to drive MOSFETs or IGBTs up to V in applications up to 12kW, These MOSFET and IGBT drivers provide full driver capability with extremely fast switching speeds, designed-in ruggedness and low power dissipation.
A MOSFET driver IC (like the ICL you mentioned) translates TTL or CMOS logical signals to a higher voltage and higher current, with the goal of rapidly. Infineon released the EiceDRIVER™ 2EDL8 gate driver IC product family,which is focused on the growth of DC-DC telecom bricks for mobile. Commercial IGBT/MOSFET drivers are available in three basic classes: •. Driver ICs: This term covers the broad category of integrated.