Common anode drivers

 · In common cathode seven segment display’s led becomes lit when we apply some +positive voltage on any a,b,c,d,e,f,g pin. Common Cathode seven segment display’s color is usually black. Below you can see the 7 segment display pinout for both common anode and cathode 7 segment display. Note the only difference is in power pins.  · Triple-Output LED Driver Works With Common-Anode LED Strings. Oct. 2, SOME MULTI-STRING LED MODULES come with a common-anode configuration. The commonanode connection reduces the number of Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins. The new common-cathode LED display (drive common-anode LEDs) shown in Figure uses one supply connected to a common anode for all three LEDs and a second supply that generates a bias voltage for the red LED. This power supply is called a common-anode power supply because the reference is positive to the supply (anode).Author: Texas Instruments, Incorporated [SLUAA69,*].

I need to drive a bunch of 7-segments and segments led display (in total, LEDs with common anode). I bought an HT16K33 to drive them, but did not take into account the common cathode requir. You can build your own common-anode driver out of discretes like this: A forward-biased diode at the zener (D2) cathode will let you use 1 zener and a bunch of standard silicon diodes for lower cost and easier availability. Remember that discrete devices are available in arrays, which will greatly simplify breadboard or perfboard construction. In common cathode seven segment display’s led becomes lit when we apply some +positive voltage on any a,b,c,d,e,f,g pin. Common Cathode seven segment display’s color is usually black. Below you can see the 7 segment display pinout for both common anode and cathode 7 segment display. Note the only difference is in power pins.

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